It's not what you are eating, it's what's eating you…

Posts tagged ‘#facebookis10’

Happy 10th Birthday (and Damn You) Facebook !!! …..
If you don’t find me funny enough to read, at least trust me, this video is funny enough to watch and share this (my blog, which I make absolutely NO money from whatsoever in it’s current crusty state) And let me know in the comments of which Facebook personality you fall into if you’d like, as well as the ones you think they might have missed. I happen to have apparently multiple Facebook personalities (and NO, I’m not mocking those who have Multiple Personality Disorder)

Dear Facebook,

   Thank you for the stunning realization that while I’ve thought about quitting you as of late, I just can’t. I don’t know how much sense this will make as my intelligence quotient is at a deficit from watching the nifty Facebook “movies” in honor of your 10th birthday. As I’ve only watched mine and my friends about eleventy trazillion times.

   But when I think about quitting you, Facebook, I think about how easy you’ve made it for me to get and give support. How easy you’ve made it for me to get entertained and entertain (and why the HELL aren’t you paying me for this, yet???(and no I’m NOT that delusional, but a woman who’s disability sets are complex can ONLY hope this might happen) And how easy it is to both be able to be ego-centric and caring about others in catering to my interests. Which never fail to screw up your algorithms and I probably have the most WACKY conflicting newsfeed and sponsored advertising, EVER, of the billion or so of us who use you (so in all fairness, it’s just as well that you use us, back 😉 )

  You be my one and only as it applies to social media (ok, that’s NOT true, as I do have a blog, here to promote… But SERIOUSLY, Twitter’s 140 character max is for the birds (get it?) I can’t usually contain myself in 140 SENTENCES… And I might be having a fling with You Tube but I’m in it for the music, ONLY (good thing none of my vlogger friends actually read my posts on Facebook or blogs, eh) ….

    So while I fight the changes (I am so sorry for being a bitch about the Timeline, for someone who’s cognitively impaired, it’s probably the best thing to have happened to me, so PLEASE don’t change that, OKAY?) And just keep being you…. One of the most fascinating, frusturating but we can’t get enough of, most brilliant, innovative, maddening and beloved  venture of the millennium…
              Happy 10th Birthday, Facebook…. And if society doesn’t totally deconstruct as we know it, hopefully there will be many more….. 

                    Love Always, (from your favorite multi-polar disordered (I just invented it the disorder, watch for it in DSM VI, as I can have 17k different conflicting opinions on the same matter as shown in this whatever you call it) wickedly funny, brutally honest, ranty and wordy user of all time)….                Lisa

note: Feel free to watch my “Facebook” movie at Lisa Kasen and to follow me there as well. All of my readers with the exception of one have proven to be much smarter then I am (yes “Mila” that would be you, you narcissistic, ingrateful, ego-centric wench) and if you’d like me to see yours and I’m not FB buds or following you, feel free to give me the details below or privately….