It's not what you are eating, it's what's eating you…

Posts tagged ‘#DomesticTerrorism’

What requires the most urgency at this point in time: Falsely reported hate crimes or INITIATIVES to try to prevent planned hate massacres???


Important Disclaimers: I am NOT a clinically trained medical or mental health professional. Nor am I trained in matters of public safety or law enforcement.
IF you or someone you know is in danger of hurting themselves or others, please contact emergency services, immediately.

The above quote I posted, unfortunately is outdated.

We’re past the point of being at risk of “will collapse” and we’ve arrived that it is collapsing, others disregard or hatred of humans that’s leading to senseless murders and massacres that are almost happening on a daily basis.

In no way am I trying to dismiss the importance of a need to have a deterrence for falsely reported hate crimes, as in the case of what happened with Jussie Smollet who’s facing potential felony charges for allegedly doing that.

I’m also not discounting of the harm and hurt he did to more conservative people.

And not only that, going forward, just like in the past with attacks on both white people and black people in the LGBTQ community, there’s also the chance of increasing disbelief of victims, when crimes of this nature due ACTUALLY occur.

The thing though is, I do believe that making it a felony will deter in the future, attempts to gain public attention/sympathy, waste public resources for those who could be capable of making a false claim of a hate crime, going forward.

What cannot be legislated away, is something else that was reported in the news yesterday, that a Coast Guard employee, Lt. Christopher Hasson was apprehended and in that investigation, the little that’s been released he planned on murdering as many innocent civilians, democratic politicians and cable news anchors that he had on a list.

Six days ago, 5 people were murdered by an ex-coworker who was enraged at losing his job in Aurora, Illinois.

Which was the 39th mass shooting in 2019.

And you have to say Aurora, Illinois, not to confuse the massacre in Aurora, Colorado in 2012 where 12 people were murdered, 70 injured which was the 3rd largest gun massacre in U.S. modern history.

When the news broke last night of the extent that Christopher Hasson planned on killing as many people as he could, I happened to see it on CNN and something that now I can’t shake  and propelling me to write this.

One of the contributors said, “It was good thing that this person made a mistake”.

If I thought that he was a potential lone isolated incident, I’d still be scared for how many senseless tragedies that are happening but not to the extent where it’s been quoted he wanted to kill “almost everybody”, but what’s scaring me, is what if he IS NOT an isolated situation?

What if now, though, there are others who are diabolically planning massacres will try harder to prevent any detection, so they can actually execute these heinous massacres of innocent people?

You can’t prevent with legislation that’s going to have a chance in reducing these tragedies, mass murderers do not fear consequences, quite a few of them in the past were willing to die for what ever evil cause they are thinking they have to avenge, or as in this case hating almost everybody that goes beyond just being a White Supremacist, as there was more than anti-semitism, Islamophobia, anti-gay and left leaning political hatred in his desire to do try and plan an atrocity to the extent such as what he was planning.

I get a lot of crap for NOT totally blaming guns in situations like this from people who do lean more to the left.

I get the occasional death threat or comment that I should kill myself  from people who lean more to the right, for making the comment that I don’t know why the NRA can’t denounce these kind of horrific crimes.

I have no problem with them defending their members who use guns responsibly and rationally.

I have people who I adore who are members of the NRA and they are good people.

How hard is it though to take a stance that they don’t want mass murderers as their members (even if they aren’t members of the NRA, they don’t care about responsible gun ownership like many members of the NRA do)  not condemning potentially endorses dangerous and deadly behaviors (I’m not saying the NRA is responsible for those murders) for those who are so misguided in thinking that they are right to something so heinous, that they may be under the misguided belief that the NRA thinks it’s ok, if not commendable.

But it needs to be said, guns in these tragedies are weapon of choice, unfortunately there are enough massacres that have occurred in people who did obtain guns legally or had no legal or mental history that would be cause for alarm to suspect some of these murderers of  wanting to commit these massacres.

As well as deadly massacres that weren’t executed with guns.

IF we can’t come together in our society to try to find solutions to try and prevent these tragedies happening over and over again, we will go from active shooter situations, to active bombers and mass murderers planning to kill as many people as possibly with something other than a gun, in the future.

I only hope I’m so wrong about this.

But there are too many mass murders that have occurred in the last 10 years alone that show hate and rage  is NOT only increasing, intensifying and more divisive than ever, it’s becoming way more deadly.

We have to do something on a major scale in hopes for prevention and reduction of these horrific tragedies and we have to do it, NOW.

Note: I’m amenable to constructive criticism. Save the hate, though. I think the best way to look at what I’m trying to get across, is coming up with national and global initiatives on prevention of massacres, will hopefully save lives and the lives it could save, could be yours or someone you love.

With bated breath …


Disclaimers: I am NOT  a clinically trained professional in medical or mental health or possess any kind of education or training in any form of law enforcement.

IF someone you know is capable of hurting themselves and/or others, please contact emergency services in your location, immediately.


I really wanted to title this blog “Hate Won”…

Because I’m really beginning to think that hate is winning out.

I’m also really beginning to think, that no matter what I or others say about learning how to agree to disagree, choosing apathy over hate and that NO matter what morally or ethically (there’s a difference with legal) transgressions that people do to another, we don’t have the right to pay back those transgressions with violent irreversible harm over another for those who have a predilection for crime or for those who snap (which quite a few domestic murder/suicides this year alone were committed by people with no legal history or history of mental illness) .

I thought about the very recent crimes that happened in the United States that triggered my writing this blog and realized it didn’t matter whether or not  I specified the crimes, well the crimes of course did matter, but the actual date’s crimes didn’t, for activism purposes, as this happens EVERYDAY, now.

I’m obviously NOT a psychiatrist who specializes in violent crime pathology.

You don’t need to be though, to have an opinion or if one has a desire  to try and help make the world a better place, to have an opinion.

Some of my blogs are meant to be “DBT on Demand” for those who refuse to seek treatment and try to bring awareness that their words and/or actions can be harmful, if not fatal to themselves and/or  others.

Some of the best advice I’ve ever been given has been by someone NOT familiar with my exact personal circumstances and was practically, if not, a total stranger.

Some of the best life saving advice that I’ve ever given (with above disclaimer that people in any kind of crisis need to be evaluated and treated by appropriate professionals, in appropriate facilities) is to people who I don’t know personally, but have found me because of this blog.

It just goes beyond my scope of comprehension, of how people can let unchecked rage due to rejection, that leads to deadly revenge or attempt to kill another.

For someone who’s been hated on by people, the majority of my entire life  because of weight and looks (being more on the unattractive side of the spectrum) most of my life, I’ve only turned rage inward and what I learned when I became a mother, untreated hatred even if it’s just limited to oneself, can have devastating emotional consequences on those who you love the most, no matter how unintentional.

I had to learn at a young age how to deal with rejection and while it wasn’t hurtful to others, it wasn’t constructive, either and it’s something some of us, especially for those of us who’ve really never fit in, have to check in with themselves and take personal inventory on how we react to that, so it does NOT  turn inward or externally to others, and sometimes people can do that on their own, others may need professional help.

It NEVER helps whether in the short or long run,  to retaliate either emotionally or physically against someone who you hate either because you loved them at one time and they emotionally hurt you or in a lot of cases now, where people want to retaliate against strangers who they have differences of opinions.

I’m trying to multiple things here, but one thing I should try to make clear, for a blog that’s intended to reduce violent crime, I’m going way out of my way to talk about LEGALITIES, because they cease to matter to an individual once they try to perpetuate violent crime.

I REALLY don’t want to write these kind of blogs, anymore.

But I still do, because I cannot bear to know that someone can try to go to work, to school, a place of worship or grocery shopping and never come back because they were murdered for one or many of multiple reasons that most people with a shred of ration and sanity could never commit, due to another’s hatred of something or someone.

I want to put it out there, in a way I’m capable and comfortable with, that exacting violent or really any kind of revenge, isn’t badass or noble, it’s quite COWARDLY and it’s the worst possible legacy one will leave and I really can’t understand why anyone would want to do that although I’m trying, in hopes for prevention of violent crime.

That it’s despicable shame that the energy used to hurt others can’t (although I’m TRYING) to encourage re-channeling of that negative to do something positively good for another/others.

Or at least to prevent harm to innocent people.

And again not everyone is going to love each other, but if you can’t find empathy, try apathy.

People cannot become desensitized to all this violence due to fear, even though it’s understandable because it’s too painful to think about this happening to your own loved ones.

So my challenge to you, my dear readers, as well as the rest of the universe is, everytime you have negative thought about any person in regards to race, religion, politics, gender identification/sexual preference and weight (whether it be people on the thinner or larger side of the spectrum) , try to find something positive about that person to counteract the negative energy to neutralize it.

Here’s an example: “That #@^^____!!! I hate #$^____, they can all jump off a bridge, as far as I’m concerned!!!”

Try this when having a thought like that to yourself (and maybe if and/or if you’ll ever be ready to something like that in public forum/fashion) “Hey that person is a human being, maybe I need to remind myself that before I pass judgment on ____ and _____ and____ as they aren’t hurting anyone or themselves, it’s truthfully, really none of my business”.

We aren’t born to hate.

Unfortunately though, we are conditioned to.

Unless one intentionally chooses to break that cycle of being a hater and the good news is you can.

Because something so small, could do so much for innocent others who are losing their lives daily, because people can’t contain rage from rejection and it leads to revenge.

There’s a good reason, I didn’t write a 3 word blog with a 3 word title called “Let It Go”.

Because people do many bad things based upon the “why”.

The where, what, how and who obviously matters, enormously as well.

So maybe if we try to break the cycle on hating, by teaching from the time people are young how not to  be hateful and how to agree to disagree with a no bullying/hate tolerance stance and reinforcing that lifelong, we may have a chance on reducing violent crime.

But until then, I wait with bated breath, for the next tragic news story, that’s bound to happen in this hate cycle our society is in.

Note: Anything that’s not constructive, will NOT be published.